Daniel Antônioda Conceição Silva

Despite having speech and body movements compromised by Cerebral Palsy, Daniel always enjoyed interacting.

Born in 1997 in Salgueiro-PE and currently studying Computing at the Federal Institute of Sertão Pernambucano, Daniel uses the computer to perform research, write texts and learn how to use graphic applications such as Photoshop: all of that with the help of Key-X, controlled with the blink of his eyes captured through the a-blinX switch.

Moreover, in order to communicate, answer questions and manifest his characteristic sense of humor, Daniel uses the TelepatiX app on an Android tablet connected to his a-blinX =)



Daniel's solution map

Interface Acessório Plataforma Software App Sobre
PC Windows
Daniel uses Key-X to control the computer, by blinking with a-blinX.
Dispositivo Android
Daniel communicates using a-blinX to write and vocalize phrases in the TelepatiX app.

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Contact to try out or ask questions

    30 Churchill place 10th floor E14 5EU London

    +44 7520 622432

    [email protected]